Functions for reading data#
This is a markdown rendering of the read_data_utils
module used in the notebooks. It is provided here for user reference, and may not reflect any changes to the code after 12/15/2021. The code can be viewed and downloaded from the github repository.
Helper functions for reading ICESat2 data from a local drive and the book netcdf file from the google storage bucket
import os
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import s3fs
import glob
from datetime import datetime
def read_ISSITGR4(version='001', local_data_path="/data/ISSITGR4/"):
""" Read in ISSITGR4 campaign gridded thickness dataset from local netcdf files
version (str, required): ISSITGR4 version (default "001")
local_data_path (str, required): local data directory
is_ds (xr.Dataset): aggregated ISSITGR4 xarray dataset.
current_path = os.getcwd()
# Read in files for each month as a single xr.Dataset
filenames = glob.glob(current_path+local_data_path+version+'/*.nc')
#print('Number of netcdf files available locally:', len(filenames), filenames, current_path+local_data_path+version+'/')
# Raise error if no files found
if len(filenames) == 0:
raise ValueError("Still not files, exit")
return None
print('Load in netcdf files to xarray dataset')
datasets_list = []
for file in filenames:
ds_campaign = xr.open_dataset(file)
ds_campaign = ds_campaign.set_coords(["latitude","longitude","x","y"]) # Set data variables as coordinates
mean_campaign_time_1 = pd.to_datetime(ds_campaign.campaign_dates.first_day, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
mean_campaign_time_2 = pd.to_datetime(ds_campaign.campaign_dates.last_day, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
mean_campaign_time = mean_campaign_time_1+(mean_campaign_time_2-mean_campaign_time_1)/2
ds_campaign = ds_campaign.assign_coords({"time":mean_campaign_time}) # Add time as coordinate
ds_campaign = ds_campaign.expand_dims("time") # Set month as a dimension
is_ds = xr.merge(datasets_list)
is_ds = is_ds.sortby("time")
return is_ds
def add_time_dim_v2(xda):
""" dummy function to just set current time as a new dimension to concat files over, change later! """
xda = xda.set_coords(["latitude","longitude", "xgrid", "ygrid"])
xda = xda.expand_dims(time = [])
return xda
def add_time_dim_v3(xda):
""" dummy function to just set current time as a new dimension to concat files over, change later! """
xda = xda.set_coords(["latitude","longitude", "x", "y"])
xda = xda.expand_dims(time = [])
return xda
def read_IS2SITMOGR4(data_type='zarr-s3', version='V3', local_data_path="/data/IS2SITMOGR4/",
bucket_name="icesat-2-sea-ice-us-west-2", persist=True, download=False):
""" Read in IS2SITMOGR4 monthly gridded thickness dataset from local netcdf files, download the netcdf files from S3 storage, or read in the aggregated zarr dataset from S3. Currently supports either Version 2 (V2) or Version 3 (V3) data.
Note than in Version 3 there was a change in the xgrid/ygrid coordinates to x/y.
data_type (str, required): (default to "zarr-s3", but also "netcdf-s3" or "netcdf-local" which is a local version of the netcdf files)
version (str, required): IS2SITMOGR4 version (default "V2")
local_data_path (str, required): local data directory
bucket_name (str, required): S3 bucket name
persist (boleen, required): if zarr option decide if you want to persist (load) data into memory
download (boleen, required): download from s3 bucket to local storage
is2_ds (xr.Dataset): aggregated IS2SITMOGR4 xarray dataset, dask chunked/virtually allocated in the case of the zarr option (or allocated to memory if persisted).
Version History:
(November 2023 for V3 data release):
- Moved the download code to it's own section at the start of the function
- Changed local paths
- Baked in the date_str label as that is just a function of the dataset version anyway
- Adapted the netcdf reader to use open_mfdataset, required a preprocessing data dimension step. Much more elegant!
if download==True:
print("download from S3 bucket: ", bucket_name)
# Download netCDF data files
s3_path = 's3://'+bucket_name+'/IS2SITMOGR4_'+version+'/netcdf/'
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True)
#files references the entire bucket.
files =
for file in files:
print('Downloading file from bucket to local storage...', file), local_data_path+version+'/')
if data_type=='zarr-s3':
if version=='V2':
print('load zarr from S3 bucket: ', bucket_name)
s3_path = 's3://'+bucket_name+'/IS2SITMOGR4_'+version+'/zarr/IS2SITMOGR4_'+version+'_'+date_str+'.zarr/all/'
print('zarr_path:', s3_path)
s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True)
store = s3fs.S3Map(root=s3_path, s3=s3, check=False)
is2_ds = xr.open_zarr(store=store)
# Had a problem with these being loaded as dask arrays which cartopy doesnt like
is2_ds = is2_ds.assign_coords(longitude=(["y","x"], is2_ds.longitude.values))
is2_ds = is2_ds.assign_coords(latitude=(["y","x"], is2_ds.latitude.values))
if persist==True:
is2_ds = is2_ds.persist()
elif data_type=='netcdf':
filenames = glob.glob(local_data_path+version+'/*.nc')
if len(filenames) == 0:
raise ValueError("No files, exit")
return None
dates = [pd.to_datetime(file.split("IS2SITMOGR4_01_")[1].split("_")[0], format = "%Y%m") for file in filenames]
# Add a dummy time then add the dates I want, seemed the easiest solution
if version=='V2':
is2_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(filenames, preprocess = add_time_dim_v2, engine='netcdf4')
is2_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(filenames, preprocess = add_time_dim_v3, engine='netcdf4')
is2_ds["time"] = dates
# Sort by time as glob file list wasn't!
is2_ds = is2_ds.sortby("time")
if version=='V2':
is2_ds = is2_ds.set_coords(["latitude","longitude","xgrid","ygrid"])
is2_ds = is2_ds.set_coords(["latitude","longitude","x","y"])
is2_ds = is2_ds.assign_coords(longitude=(["y","x"], is2_ds.longitude.values))
is2_ds = is2_ds.assign_coords(latitude=(["y","x"], is2_ds.latitude.values))
is2_ds = is2_ds.assign_attrs(description="Aggregated IS2SITMOGR4 "+version+" dataset.")
return is2_ds
def read_book_data(local_path='/data/', CS2=False):
""" Read in data for ICESat2 jupyter book.
If the file does not already exist on the user's local drive, it is downloaded from our S3 bucket
The netcdf file is then read in as an xr.Dataset object
To do:
- Add zarr functionality to this to avoid having to download the netcdf.
local_path (str, required): local data directory
CS2 (boleen, required): choose if we want to also read in the wrangled CS-2 thickness data
book_ds (xr.Dataset): data
if CS2==True:
filename = ""
filename = ""
# Check if file exists on local drive
current_path = os.getcwd()
exists_locally = os.path.isfile(current_path+local_path+filename)
if (exists_locally == False):
# Download data
print("Downloading jupyter book data from the S3 bucket...")
s3_path = 's3://icesat-2-sea-ice-us-west-2/book_data/'+filename
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True), current_path+local_data_path)
book_ds = xr.open_dataset(current_path+local_path+filename)
return book_ds